
Coined by visionary architect Paolo Soleri, the word combines architecture and ecology, and refers to a monolithic ecocity. To learn more, go to


A prototypical, monolithic ecocity, called an Arcology by its designer Paolo Soleri. Arcosanti has been under construction since the 1960's in northern Arizona. To learn more, go to

Black Water

Water used for flushing or disposing of human waste, especially feces. (Healthy human urine is sterile and could be added to gray water supplies for recycling.) Though some residential black water recycling systems exist, ecoTECTURE questions the efficacy of designing such systems for both efficiency and safety reasons. ecoTECTURE cautions its readers to make a thourough study of black water sanitation issues as before attempting to construct a system to avoid possible severe health risks.

Conference on Habitat, The Internet and Evolution

No information as of December 31, 1999.

We have written PlaNetwork and hope to have information soon.

Gray Water

Water which has been used for household purposes other than the disposal of human waste (black water), and can therefore be treated for safe reuse in gardening, ponds, etc., with relative ease. Sinks and bathtubs are common sources of gray water. Treatment methods vary, but exposure to air and sunlight in fountains or flow channels is largely effective. ecoTECTURE cautions novice designers to make a thorough study of gray water sanitation issues before constructing a system, as there are potential health hazards.


adj, n.
1. of, relating to, or used by an Individual.
2. being an Individual; existing as an indivisible whole.
3. intended for one person.
4. separate.
5. having marked Individuality, a style.
6. a single member of a category; a particular person.
7. a person or a singular group.

International Ecocity Conferences

There have been three conferences beginning in 1990. The first was organized by Richard Register and held in Berkeley, California. The second and third were held in Adelaide, Austrailia and Yoff, Senegal, respectively. Richard Register's book Village Wisdom: Future Cities is a compilation of the Yoff conference presentations. A Fourth International Ecocity Conference will be held in Curatiba, Brazil, a city famous for its progressive ecological policies, April, 2000.


An agriculture system in which one and only one crop is planted in a particular field or orchard. Monoculture is usually associated with commercial farming, where growing a single crop facilitates planting and harvesting of large quantities of a product. An inherent danger of monoculture is that a disease strain, insect attack, or climate change can wipe out the entire crop. This happened in nineteenth century Ireland, where Britain had forced Irish farmers to displace ancient, sustainable, polyculture systems with commercial potato farming throughout the country. When a blight struck the potato crop, hundreds of thousands of Irish starved to death.

New Urbanist

A movement toward redeveloping cities with an emphasis on pedestrian scale infrastructure and neighborhoods. New Urbanism is mostly the brainchild of architect Peter Calthorpe who has written several books on the subject.


In the philosophy of Teilhard de Chardin, the sphere of thought or collective consciousness of humanity which surrounds the earth.

Paolo Soleri

Italian-American architect born in 1919. Soleri immigrated to America where he worked with Frank Lloyd Wright at his Taliesin West Studio in Scottsdale, Arizona. Soleri then struck out on his own and built a studio/workshop called Cosanti in nearby Phoenix. He published several books, most notably ARCOLOGY-City in the Image of Man, expousing his theories and designs for a self-sufficient, monolithic city. In the 1960s, he and a community of co-workers began construction, which contintues to this day, on the prototypical Arcology Arcosanti in northern Arizona. Part of Arcosanti's economy is based on the sale of the widely aclaimed Soleri Bells. To learn more, go to

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

French philosopher and paleontologist. A Jesuit, Teilhard attempted to reconcile the theory of evolution with Christian doctrine, and was forbidden to teach. His posthumously published The Phenomenon of Man (1955) discusses cosmic evolution and has been widely influential among progressive thinkers including architect Paolo Soleri.